Males are slightly larger than females; the average weight for each is about 12 pounds 5. Males and females may grow to 20 pounds 9. The dense grayish underfur is overlaid by long, glossy guard hairs that vary in color from dark brown to yellowish brown.
The forepaws have four well-developed and clawed toes and one vestigial toe. Four of the five clawed toes on the hind foot are interconnected by webbing; the fifth outer toe is free. The hind legs are much larger than the forelegs.
When moving on land, a nutria may drag its chest and appear to hunch its back. Like beavers, nutria have large incisors that are yellow-orange to orange-red on their outer surfaces. In addition to having webbed hind feet, nutria have several other adaptations to a semiaquatic life.
They are larger than muskrats and smaller than beaver. Beavers have a broad, flat tail. The keeled tail of a muskrat can be clearly seen undulating behind the body while swimming, whereas nutria tails remain still. Why do nutria have orange teeth? What does nutria poop look like? What does nutria taste like?
Why are nutria rats bad? Do nutria cut down trees? What animal eats nutria? Nutria Predators. What is a group of nutria called? Are nutria dangerous? What animal looks like a muskrat but has a furry tail? Do nutria rats build dams? What looks like a beaver with a furry tail? Do Muskrats have orange teeth? Why is the nutria an invasive species? What does a woodchuck tail look like? What animal looks like a river otter? Can you eat muskrat? Do groundhogs look like beavers?
Beaver, the largest North American rodent, can weigh up to pounds but this is unusual. The usual weights for beaver are from 35 to 68 pounds. Typical total length for this species is from 39 to 47 inches, and the large flat tail varies from 10 to 13 inches long and from 3. The large flat tail easily identifies this species. Other identifying characteristics are the hind feet which have four webbed toes and a fifth free toe that supports an articulating split nail used for grooming.
The coat consists of two layers; a coarse outer layer of guard hair, often yellowish to reddish in color, and a fine dense layer of underfur. River otters are semiaquatic mammals, known for their playful behavior. Otters are large weasel-like animals that have long bodies, small ears, a broad snout, short legs with webbed feet, and a long hair-covered tail that is wide at the body and narrows toward the tip.
Adult otter can be over 50 inches long and weigh up to 25 lbs. Otter are carnivores, feeding on fish, crayfish, frogs, insects, small mammals, mollusks, and blue crabs. Creates beds of cut vegetation. Sometimes digs volley ball-sized bank dens at water's edge. Northeast Region. Nutria Biology and Identification Nutria are highly prolific and breed all year.
Reproductive peaks occur in late winter, early summer, and mid-autumn. Reproduction and survival may be influenced by extreme weather conditions. Nutria reach sexual maturity at four to six months. Sexually mature male nutria can breed throughout the year.
Females gestate for to days and are ready to breed within forty-eight hours after giving birth. The young nutria at birth are fully furred and the eyes are open. Newborn nutria feed on vegetation within hours and will nurse for weeks. Nutria are well adapted for movement on land, however, are more at home in the water.
In the coastal marshes they are often seen moving about leisurely in the daytime, but their period of greatest feeding activity is just prior to sunrise and after sunset. Nutria are strict vegetarians, consuming their food both on land and water, where they shove aquatic plants to their mouths with their forepaws.
These animals consume approximately 25 percent of their weight daily. Nutria predominately feed on the base of plant stems and dig for roots and rhizomes in the winter.
They often construct circular platforms of compacted, coarse emergent vegetation, which they use for feeding, birthing, resting and grooming. Nutria may also construct burrows in levees, dikes and embankments.