Oyedemi , E. Kotsia , Paul D. Stapleton , Simon Gibbons. Capsaicin and gingerol analogues inhibit the growth of efflux-multidrug resistant bacteria and R-plasmids conjugal transfer. Journal of Ethnopharmacology , , In situ formation of nitrogen doped mesoporous carbon via directly carbonizing polyaniline as an efficient electrocatalyst for determination of capsaicin.
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials , , Foods , 8 1 , 1. Nondestructive quality assessment of chili peppers using near-infrared hyperspectral imaging combined with multivariate analysis. Postharvest Biology and Technology , , Techawongstien , B.
Suriharn , P. Fruit yield and capsaicinoids production of Capsicum chinense genotypes grown in greenhouse and shadehouse conditions. Molecules , 22 5 , Genetic analysis for fruit biochemical traits capsaicinoids and carotenoids and dry fruit yield in chilli Capsicum annuum L.
Industrial Crops and Products , 94 , Variations in proximate nutrients, phytochemicals, and antioxidant activity of field-cultivated red pepper fruits at different harvest times. Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology , 57 5 , Highly sensitive electrochemical capsaicin sensor based on graphene-titania-Nafion composite film.
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry , , Physiology of pepper fruit and the metabolism of antioxidants: chloroplasts, mitochondria and peroxisomes. Annals of Botany , 4 , Biologia plantarum , 59 3 , Barbero , Aurora G. Vera , Carmelo G. Evolution of total and individual capsaicinoids in peppers during ripening of the Cayenne pepper plant Capsicum annuum L.
Food Chemistry , , Determination of capsaicin, ascorbic acid, total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of Capsicum annuum L. Journal of Separation Science , 36 5 , Reverse phase chromatographic behaviour of major components in Capsicum Annuumextract. Stability analysis of yield and capsaicinoids content in chili Capsicum spp.
Euphytica , 1 , Korean Journal of Horticultural Science and Technology , 30 3 , Pure capsaicin has a value of 16 million Sc. Capsaicin is soluble in fats and oils but not in water.
Therefore milk, ice cream and peanut butter can calm the pepper whilst water will spread the flames! The capsaicinoids are phyto chemicals, which means that they have medicinal benefits.
Capsaicin helps the metabolism of epoxide aromatic hydrocarbons, which interferes with their ability of bind to DNA causing mutations. Other uses have been suggested such as preventing ulcers, but it is not know what doses are required for example, whether an excess of the chemical can be harmful.
Research was carried out to estimate the levels of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin that may be found in some heat tolerant chili pepper genotypes and to determine the degree of pungency as well as percentage capsaicin content of each of the analyzed peppers.
A sensitive, precise, and specific ultra fast liquid chromatographic UFLC system was used for the separation, identification and quantitation of the capsaicinoids and the extraction solvent was acetonitrile. The method validation parameters, including linearity, precision, accuracy and recovery, yielded good results.
Thus, the limit of detection was 0. The calibration graph was linear from 0. Chili pepper, which belongs to the genus Capsicum contains capsaicinoids, alkaloid compounds that produce the pungency associated with eating chilies [ 1 ].
Capsaicin is a flavourless, odourless and colourless compound found in varying amounts in peppers. Capsaicinoids are only found in the Capsicum genus and are bioactive molecules currently relevant in medical and food sciences [ 3 , 4 , 5 ] as well as in the defense weapon industry [ 6 ]. Capsaicinoids occur in the placental tissue of pepper fruits [ 7 ], and their biosynthesis depends on a complex and still not fully characterized enzymatic pathway.
Capsaicin is the active element in pepper, which accounts for its prominent pharmaceutical and antioxidant properties. Research has shown that the more the capsaicin, the hotter the pepper, and the higher the antioxidant level. It is the principal pungent and irritating constituent of hot peppers that produce the pungency associated with the eating of chilies. Capsaicin and other capsaicinoids produce a number of physiological and pharmacological effects on the cardiovascular system and gastro-intestinal track [ 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 ].
Capsaicin in peppers has been shown to slightly control appetite — at least briefly. It has also been reported to raise the body temperature [ 9 ].
That warming effect may have another benefit that may help with weight loss. The temperature at which chili peppers are grown, the position of the fruit on the plant, age of the plant and light intensity are all factors affecting the total amount of capsaicin in a given chili pepper variety. Capsaicinoid levels depend on the genotype [ 13 ] and also change during fruit development [ 14 , 15 , 16 ].
Moreover, environmental and nutritional conditions occurring during the cultivation of peppers can affect the capsaicinoid content. The large variability in capsaicinoid content found naturally in pepper genotypes is a critical point in breeding and production.
Therefore, there is a requirement for analytical techniques able to determine very low amounts of capsaicinoids. These techniques should also be capable of determining amounts of the different capsaicinoid molecules, which have very similar chemical structures.
These requirements are met by HPLC-MS mass spectrometry techniques, which have a high selectivity and sensitivity and have been used for the determination of capsaicinoids in forensic, medical, and food sciences [ 19 , 20 , 21 , 22 ]. The first method developed for the measurement of chili pungency was the Scoville Organoleptic Test [ 23 ]. A group of five testers assess a water-diluted chili sample and then records the hot flavor level.
Serial dilution of the sample is necessary to make the pungency undetectable. A number is assigned to each hot pepper according to the dilution test and expressed it as a scale called the Scoville Organoleptic Scale assigned by Pharmacist Wilbur Scoville [ 23 ].
The heat levels vary widely from 0—, Scoville heat units SHU. They are classified as:. Researchers need reliable, safe and standard methods that could be useful for comparing pungency levels among different samples or genotypes of chili.
With HPLC, when analyzing multiple samples, each of which takes a long time to complete, the need to conduct re-analysis for whatever reason can result in product delays. However, with ultra fast liquid chromatography, an ultra high speed analysis could be achieved.
This means of shortening of the time required to complete the analysis, thereby reducing the risks associated with time-sensitive analyses.
This research also aims at estimating the levels of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin that may be found in some heat tolerant pepper varieties and to determine the degree of pungency as well as percentage of capsaicins of each of the analyzed peppers which could be used in pharmaceuticals. The chromatographic conditions used were optimized with the aim of obtaining the separation with of adjacent peaks with good resolution within a short analysis time.
Under the optimal isocratic conditions, both capsaicin retention time 7. Since the molecular structures of both capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin are very similar, the maximum absorption wavelengths determined by PDA are also nearly the same and found to be The PDA using Shimadzu LC solution software detects the absorbance at the chosen wavelengths of the capsaicinoids and simultaneously provides their absorption spectra.
Identification of compounds was achieved by retention time and absorption spectrum of standard and sample. However, both compounds were detected with PDA at nm. Chromatogram of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin 0.
Linearity The linearity was found to be in the range of 0. Standard solutions were prepared from a stock solution of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin using six serial dilutions at 0. Each solution was injected three times and the average values of the triplicate analysis were presented in Table 1. The standard solutions were run on the ultra high performance liquid chromatography and the standard curves were generated by plotting peak area against concentration.
The values of r 2 were highly significant confirming the good linearity of the method. The regression line equations were:. The lowest measured values in this investigation for capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin were 1, and respectively, which are already five times the y-intercepts. This showed that all other values would be reliable. These limits are acceptable by the international guidelines for validation of the FDA. Expected and actual concentration responses were plotted against expected concentrations 0.
The expected stock dilutions are more concentrated than the actual concentration dilutions which indicated that the dilutions are the concentrations expected see Supplementary Data. The limit of detection LOD was 0. The limit of quantitation LOQ was 0.
The average relative standard deviations of the 30 replicate analysis of the inter-day reproducibility were represented in Table 2.
This showed that the UFLC method is highly reproducible. The average relative standard deviations of the 30 replicate analysis of the intra-day repeatability were represented in Table 3. The result shows that the method is highly repeatable. Precision and accuracy Intra-day and inter-day precision data of the UFLC method were given in Table 4 , indicating that the relative standard deviations are better than 5.
Recovery experiments were performed using the standard addition method in order to study the accuracy of the UFLC method. The recovery of the added standard to the assay samples was calculated according to [ 26 ]:.
The results were given in Table 4. The average recoveries obtained were quantitative The high-speed analysis of the UFLC method was considered as providing good-efficiency analysis and to be environmentally friendly. The UFLC method was applied to determine the content of capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin contents of twenty-one pepper genotypes and their corresponding pungency levels.
The chromatograms attached supplementary data correspond to an extracted solution of some genotypes. From the chromatograms obtained from the studied chili peppers, the main peaks of interest identified among the capsaicinoids were capsaicin and dihydrocapsaicin.