Take a piss while you're working for one of Under Armor's contractors--you're on your own. First they came for the duck hunters, and I said nothing. Then they came after ZZ Top Did the show portray anything offensive? The old guy was suspended.
Why would they cede a large audience of the demo they're going after? Their advertisers are going to have to support the show or drop it, but will also face a backlash. Advertisers welcome exposure, but they DON'T like being put in the middle of the culture wars.
That's why the idiot's interview likely violated his contract with the show. People can speculate this is all a PR-stunt to generate interest, but I think most advertisers and networks are savvy enough to realize that not all publicity is good publicity. Just like those people who decided to show support by eating artery-clogging chicken, others have every right to boycott. I have never seen a second of the show, but only last week, I bought several UA products -still have the tags on them- and they're now going back.
R18, perhaps it's because some of us don't think it's right to support sponsors with dollars that eventually end up in his pocket. Oh, he was suspended? Is that supposed to matter in the end? He's still a bigot and has every right to be one, just as we have the right not to put money in his pocket. This isn't "", there are no thought crimes. If the old guy appears targeted, rather than ignorant, you make him a cause celebre, rather than an elderly Evangelical with antiquated views.
Call me a "frau" all you want, sweetheart, doesn't change the fact you're an ignorant tool who seems to mistake the free market for persecution. No one is silencing him. I'm making a decision that's best for me. I'm allowed to do that Just as people are allowed to support Chick-Fil-A, I'm allowed not to.
Do you think I should be forced to purchase things out of fear that people who were already teetering when it comes to gay rights may be upset? How sad for you that you care so much what they think while you shit on me. How sad for you that you let people like them essentially decide the terms of what is "acceptable. I'm a consumer. I didn't take his right away to spew whatever he damned well pleases, so when you inject "" into this discussion, you're a jackass.
Older video emerges of Phil Robertson calling gays murderers and many other vile and hateful names. This one is ten times worse than the interview. This was about two years before the show started. He sounds like a nut from Westboro Baptist to me.
So many backers of this old, ugly, paranoid schizophrenic who likely thinks he's Jesus returned to save our souls. R20 - what am I missing here? He is suspended indefinitely - how is Under Armour advertising on the show putting money in his pocket?
Got to love the herd mentality of queens being stupid enough to buy this UA shit and biting them in the ass. As if wearing this overrated crap is going to make the average gym goer perform any better.
Well, R34, since you asked, you're missing a lot. And thanks for inviting me to straighten you out.
Once again, the befuddled media thinks gays are so weak and 'special' needs? You're kidding, right, are your 'feelings' hurt, just a widdy bit?
BTW, now Nancy's blaming a couple gays in her employ. Already dumping the DL and GL crowd and blaming them. Subtle, no? OP missed it all. The network assess the quote and determine it will hurt the network. Thanks again," Vince Sizemore wrote. Ally Ryann posted on Facebook that she thought UA's move had earned the company new customers, in spite of some of the negative comments posted.
I have been a long time customer and fan and this is just another reason why I love Under Armour so much! Don't pay any attention to the few people who posted negative things, most likely they weren't even a customer anyway.
Hunting and outdoors company and "Duck Dynasty" sponsor Realtree, meanwhile, offered a much more public statement on its backing of the Robertsons. Our plan is to continue that partnership. As a company, our values align well with the Robertson's.
Realtree's 'Family, Friends and the Outdoors' slogan is one we take to heart. We support everyone's right to their opinion, and we certainly support Phil's right to his," it stated. Not all companies have been as eager as Realtree to lend support to Phil. Last week, Cracker Barrel announced that it would stop selling "Duck Dynasty" products before reversing its stance several days later. Under Armour was founded by Maryland native Kevin Plank. Thank Reply Share.
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