What call signs are not available to the Vanity Call Sign System? May I renew or change my name or address at the same time I apply for a Vanity call sign? How do I determine what Vanity call signs are available to me? How do I get my old call sign back? How do I obtain the call sign of a deceased relative?
How can our club obtain a Vanity call sign for our club station? How does our club apply for the call sign of a deceased club member?
How does a foreign radioamateur with a U. Product Catalog. Likes Received: There were no issues with the paperwork, and if you look at the transaction log KG7AQD , the vanity callsign I'm applying for was "added" on the 22nd April and the "Redlight Review" was completed on the 23rd. A good vanity phone number includes some key characters such as a business name, thus allowing customers to easily associate the business with its vanity phone number, e.
However, until it is actually assigned to some one else, you will be associated with your old call in a QRZ lookup. I obtained a vanity call sign after I passed my Extra, 15 or 16 years ago. But anyone can still use my old call sign to look me up on QRZ. While these are all valid questions, your business needs a number for three main reasons:.
Possibly under the request-by-list provision. When you obtain a new call sign , you vacate your present call sign. Although it does not become assignable under the request-by-list provision for two years, there may be other former holders of that call sign , in which case, it becomes assignable to them and to certain clubs under the other provisions when the license status is changed to.
As of September 3, , the FCC discontinued collection of regulatory fees associated with filing a vanity application or renewal of a vanity HV license. All you do is select the call sign you want on the online application. Vanity applicants must currently expect to pay the fee at the beginning of each ten-year renewal term for their Vanity call sign.
See Also : Tires Show details. To obtain a vanity phone number is quite simple. CallSource has a straight-forward vanity number search tool to aid in your vanity searching needs. A number that be sung, except on the commercial the guy sounds a guy in the Outfit being pushed down a flight of stairs might make. THAT makes the number easy to rem.
A first time licensed Technician Class amateur initially receives a sequentially issued 2-by-3 format station call sign. See Also : Tech Support Show details.
Vanity numbers are still popular, useful, and good for business. Why should you get a vanity number? Here are two examples. A vanity number spells a word or a name on the phone 's keypad. Allow your customers to easily remember how to reach you. Call Requested Must Be Specific. Requested vanity call signs must be specific. You cannot use wild card characters when submitting your application. Military recreation stations are not eligible for a vanity call sign. The requestor may list up to twenty-five call signs in order of preference.
The exact prefix, numeral, and suffix must be given for each call sign. The first assignable call sign on the list for which the requestor is eligible will be shown on the license grant for the requestor's station and the original call sign will be vacated. Objections to the assignment of call signs requested by another licensee or a club station trustee will not be entertained at the FCC.
However, this does not hamper any party from asserting such rights as it may have under private law in some other forum. The FCC does not consider an individual to be a former holder where the call sign was originally obtained through bribery, fraud, favoritism or other improper means. A club station trustee of a club that has been assigned a vanity call sign is not eligible to apply for any additional vanity call signs for the club. Note: You cannot receive a vanity call sign from a call sign group for which your operator class is not eligible.
If you request a call sign from groups A or B, your application will be dismissed by the Commission. A call sign is normally assignable two years following license expiration, surrender, revocation, set aside, cancellation, void ab initio , or death of the grantee. Where a vanity call sign for which the most recent recipient was granted pursuant to an exception to the two-year period, but the grantee was ineligible for the exception, is surrendered, cancelled, revoked or voided, the call sign is not assignable for 30 days following the date such action is taken, or for the period for which the call sign would not have been available to the vanity call sign system pursuant to Section Refer to the Sequential Call Sign System for how call signs are sequentially assigned and the grouping and geographic region attributes of each call sign.
The following call signs are not available for assignment:. In addition, the Commission may cancel a call sign if it becomes aware of the grantee's death through other means.
No action will be taken during the last thirty days of the post-expiration grace period on a request to cancel a call sign due to the grantee's death. The information for cancellation of a call sign must be submitted prior to filing the vanity application. When transmitting in conjunction with an event of special significance, an amateur station "special event station" may transmit the identification announcement using a special event call sign in accord with the procedures detailed below.
Substituting a special event call sign for its assigned call sign may help a special event station call attention "on-air" to its participation in the special event and to the unique opportunity for the amateur service community to exchange greetings with the station. Use of these provisions, however, must not detract from the station making the source of its transmissions known to those receiving them. The special event station must also transmit its assigned call sign at least once per hour during such operation.
A block of call signs is available for use in the special event call sign system. The format of each call sign "one-by-one" consists of a single letter prefix "K", "N" or "W", followed by a single digit numeral "0" through "9", followed by a single letter "A" through "W" or "Y" or "Z" "X" is not available to amateur stations.
The station license grantee must obtain coordination for the use of a special event call sign through one of the following special event call sign coordinators. Mine took 18 days. I used a great site which is no longer around where you could see which sites were available. Did a check, can't remember which site, and it said that the particular call sign I'm looking for is available and no one is claiming it. Hopefully it will be quick, as far as things get done in a bureaucracy goes I've heard it's 18 days.
I got mine when the FCC was moving their database and it took longer. Joined Feb 19, Messages 6, Location N. Mine was just a few days or a week or so, not long. W8RMH said:. LongRange Member. Joined Aug 8, Messages 20 Location Idaho. I applied for mine August 16th and received it September 2nd. I got mine in exactly 18 days.