Age of conan how many people play

These are the main storyline quests that reflect major events in the world of the Hyborian Age and form a chain. Age of Conan: Unchained players can participate in PvP, attacking vulnerable players in unprotected areas. Players can also join or build up their own guilds. Guilds in Age of Conan: Unchained gain renowns and can construct guild cities, as well as engage in guild against guild skirmishes to take control of battlekeeps in the Border Kingdoms.

Age of Conan: Unchained by Funcom. Normally, transactions will be within 30 minutes if all payment information is correct. However, due to the amount of transactions we deal with on any given day, sometimes payments will be delayed due to the high amount of traffic. You may also find transactions pending due to issues that crop up during the transaction process due to incorrect payment information to fraud checks, and even sources beyond our control like your bank.

If your transaction is still pending after 24 hours, you can contact customer support for further assistance on the cause of the delay. We currently do not offer any phone support at this time. You can reach the Funcom Customer Support Team via email at support ageofconan.

Age of Conan. Share on:. Videos Screenshots Wallpapers Artworks. Explore the vast reaches of Hyboria, and tread in the footsteps of the world's greatest fantasy hero: Conan the Barbarian himself!

Experience a groundbreaking action-driven combat system, unlike anything ever seen in a massively multiplayer online game before! Master tradeskills, build entire cities, venture into deep dungeons, or charge the battlefield on the back of a mammoth in epic warfare! What does it mean that you are now introducing a hybrid business model?

Do I need a credit card to play? I prefer being a subscriber. Can I remain subscribed? What are the advantages of subscribing? Yes it is very much worth it. Still fun as it was. I have been playing mini games and done some raids too. I just came back from 5 years.

Do people still use Age Of Conan? How much so? The MMORPG genre in the mids was in a very similar state to today, the big players had already arrived on the scene, and the genre was an almost universally T-rated affair; Funcom set out to change that by releasing the nudity and gore-filled adventures of Conan the Barbarian into the hands of Conan fans and hormone-driven gamers worldwide.

Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures sold over 1 million copies at launch, and while it was still clearly not ready for release despite having been delayed twice, was a radically different time, and the Reddit hivemind had not yet been formed, while gamers pushed for and wanted improvements, they were not howling in rage and demanding death for the title and its developers.

Adapting to the changes in the genre, Funcom relaunched Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures in as Age of Conan Unchained , opting for a new freemium business model and riding high on the success of its recent expansion pack and upcoming adventure pack content releases, Age of Conan Unchained seemed to find a niche to flourish in, or so it would seem.

Age of Conan Unchained seemingly dried up shortly before its steam re-release, and content updates become a thing of the past as years would go by without any substantial content updates. Then it happened, the 10th anniversary would receive a content update of sorts, Funcom announced the creation of Saga servers , these limited-time servers functioned in a similar way to Diablo 3 season, and while it did little to boost the overall community numbers, it did serve to galvanise the remaining community and provide some much-needed incentive to play what was now years-old content.

The biggest surprise, however, came in with the announcement of actual new content; when Funcom announced a Horde mode was coming to the decade-old title, many were sceptical they could pull it off; after all, Age of Conan Unchained had sat mostly neglected since the Steam release in As of June , Funcom has maintained near-total radio silence regarding future content for Age of Conan Unchained.

With almost a year between community manager posts on Steam, both of which heralded the yearly anniversary event, it certainly appears that Age of Conan Unchained is not a priority for Funcom, with development resources focused on Conan Exiles and other projects, such as the much-anticipated Dune multiplayer title which was announced in and is expected to launch into early access sometime during


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