Why visions are important

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Tony Logan. Tony Logan is the VP of Liftbridge Publishing, a publishing company that helps people tell their story while offering workshops and networking events. When I'm not writing I'm in a cafe enjoying coffee and stealing www. You Might Also Like. So why is Vision important in Leadership? Like this: Like Loading Nice post. The posts clearly define a vision and its importance.

Very true and powerful just from your definition thank you! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Email required Address never made public. Name required. Follow Following. Take It Personel-ly Join 25, other followers. Sign me up. Already have a WordPress. Log in now. Loading Comments The mission statement provides the organization with a clear and effective guide for making decisions, while the vision statement ensures that all the decisions made are properly aligned with what the organization hopes to achieve The vision and mission statements provide a focal point that helps to align everyone with the organization, thus ensuring that everyone is working towards a single purpose.

This helps to increase efficiency and productivity in the organization. Know the purpose of your organization Before drafting the vision and mission statements, you should be completely aware of the purpose of your organization. Note your strengths To become successful you must know your strengths.

To discover your strengths, Take your employees perspective on your company Consider improvement opportunities from time to time Sometimes explore beyond your horizons Identify factors that influence your business By knowing your strengths, you can improve even better and get a better vision for your organization.

Draft your statements Your vision and mission statements are for everyone who is associated with your organization in one way or another. The core elements while drafting an effective vision and mission statement are: Clarity Being Specific Should be attainable Unique Should Inspire people within and outside the organization.

Read the below article for more information The Importance of Vision and Mission Statements: Unfortunately, despite the importance of vision and mission statements, many organizations do not have them. Question or Message. Read more articles written by the author. Read More in Startup Basics Category. Post Your Comment. Post Comment. May may. But what about a vision for your life? We often don't think about our life's vision the same way we do a company vision -- but they really are the same.

Just like a company's vision, establishing a vision for your life gives you a direction to move. The long-term goal that comes from creating a life vision can give you clarity and allow you to see where you're headed -- meaning you can more easily control your life's outcome. Goal setting is crucial for moving forward. Without establishing goals, it's harder to create a path to success. If you're just creating goals without a larger destination in mind, it's fruitless labor.

Think of your vision like that destination. It's your end goal. It gives you a larger purpose to outline the little goals you set along the way.

It's your finish line. Creating a vision puts meaning behind your goals. Instead of just setting small goals arbitrarily and hoping you end up in the right place, have a long-term destination to progressively move in the right direction. When you're trying to grow as an entrepreneur, you're destined to run into some roadblocks.


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