Assuming you have never been to the Forsaken Inn before you will have a fairly long walk ahead of you. Follow the path out of the south gate. Just simply stay on the path heading east.
You will skirt the southern edge of the Midgewater Marshes as you travel. If you just follow the path you'll run right to the Forsaken Inn - you can't miss it. Make sure you talk to the stable master there so you don't have to run all the way again! Trestlebridge and Amon Raith recommended The quests in this area never seemed to flow quite right I usually like to grab all of the quests in Trestlebridge first.
Next I work my way towards Amon Raith, questing along the way. For some reason Amon Raith's quest line starts at level 21, so I work those first. After that, it's the usual process. Complete all the quest lines in both areas as fast as you can! If available feel free to take a horse from the stable master. Otherwise follow the road north. You can't miss it, just stay on the path.
You'll pass Thornley's Worksite on the left and the orc camps in the north as you go. When you pass through an archway and see all the crafting vendors you've made it ; Make sure you talk to the stable master so you don't have to run again! To get to Amon Raith you head north and a bit east out of Trestlebridge.
If you follow the road north out of Trestlebridge you can follow it to the point where it makes a T. Take the right hand road just before the Fields of Fornost. You'll see Amon Raith off to the left north on a large hill. Here you will again have two areas to grind through: The Eglain Camp and Iorvinas.
The Eglain Camp recommended This camp will have you questing in the deeper, more dangerous, areas of goblin infested Minas Eriol south of the Forsaken Inn. You'll also get to play with some pretty big spiders ; Be careful in these areas. They are mostly elite mobs.
You'll want to group up or be patient and make well planned pulls. Similar to the Barrow Downs, you may want to group up. If you're a solo player then you may want to make sure you have some good weapons and armour. Don't go up the path, just follow the ridge east. Away east you'll see what looks like a path or dry creek bed coming out of a break in the ridge. Head up that way and you'll see the camp.
You'll find a dwarf outside of a door and a few more inside. Grab up all the quests from the dwarf and also from inside the cave. As usual, complete all the quest lines. This area is pretty easy if you watch your pulls. Traveling to Iorvinas Finding the cave is fairly straightforward. Just take off in a northeastern direction from the Eglain Camp.
Iorvinas is just a little south of the great east road. Esteldin has a ton of quests. I strongly suggest that you do only the quests in this level range. You'll find you have a great deal of quests after you complete the level 25 - 26 quests. If you do all of them now you will not optimize your leveling.
Help Discord. Contents 1 Location 2 Services 2. Level: 40 Acq. Light Armoursmith. Medium Armoursmith. Heavy Armoursmith. One-handed Weaponsmith. Two-handed Weaponsmith. Celsia 'Lightfinger' Gosling. Burglar Trainer. Captain Trainer. Champion Trainer. Guardian Trainer. Hunter Trainer. Join Date Apr Posts 21, Re: Map to Esteldin I think Esteldin is not really that far out of the way to warrant a map.
Apr 13 , PM 8. Originally Posted by Ayrolen. Give me a break. Those travel skills are on 1 hour cooldowns that share the same cooldown as racial travel skills.
Hunter ports have NO cooldown. Besides, since when do Hunters whine about the possibility of NOT being used as taxis? Apr 13 , PM 9. Apr 13 , PM Apr 14 , AM Join Date May Posts 2, Originally Posted by Deaphret.
I like the idea that someone had that once offered that when you get kindred with your crafting guild, you get a free port to your guild hall. Join Date Dec Posts 7, It simply takes too much time for me to grind it on my main to EVER have any desire to do so on an alt, with the exception of 2 factions Moria Guards and Mirkwood.
Join Date Feb Posts 2, Re: Map to Esteldin I do not really care if they add more maps. I have a tank and I can get almost anywhere I wish to go in a few minutes already. If they do they do, if they do not, I will be fine.
As for the grind to Kindred with the crafting guilds that was really, really easy. I know folks complain about how long it takes to get kindred, or dod a deed, but nothing is really that hard. I wonder what IS behind that waterfall? The Player Council knows! Apr 14 , PM Join Date Apr Posts 1, Originally Posted by Hammerfast. Join Date Mar Posts 1, Aug 12 , AM Join Date May Posts 1,