How long is pillars of the earth book

When I started writing, back in the early Seventies, I found I had no vocabulary for describing buildings. I read a couple of books on architecture and developed an interest in cathedrals. I became a bit of a 'train spotter' on the subject. I would go to a town, like Lincoln or Winchester, check into a hotel and spend a couple of days looking around the cathedral and learning about it. Before too long, it occurred to me to channel this enthusiasm into a novel.

When I started talking about the idea, some of my friends were quite shocked. However, those of my friends who are writers saw immediately how the building of the church would be the spine of the story and the focus for the lives of all the characters.

I knew it had to be a long book. It took at least thirty years to build a cathedral and most took longer because they would run out of money, or be attacked or invaded.

So the story covers the entire lives of the main characters. Writing The Pillars of the Earth was exhausting. It is much more difficult to write one book of , words than three or four shorter books because you have to keep making up more and more stuff about the same people.

Showing 1 - 11 of 11 comments. Hello HowlingWolf86 we've seen playtimes from 5 to 7 hours for the 1st book. If you go for achievements it takes more time. Ouka View Profile View Posts. Around 5 hours for the first part. For the next two parts it'll propably be the same each. In Germany you had the possibility to play the game 15 days before official release.

So, yes. Yep around 5 hours, but if you go for achievements that you missed it's going to be at least a hour longer. Of course this is only for Book 1 since the other books haven't been put in yet so the other books will probably be the same length. Lucky batards Will Germany get early access for all the books? I wish the final game would be longer. Anyway, back to the question. Could it be, you planed to release in episodes because then you can adjust the following development of the last two books according to the sales numbers of book one?

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