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Along with editing down a tweet so it leaves room for a comment, you can use the MT process to add context to or display your opinion. If you wrote the original tweet, consider writing a new one instead of retweeting yourself. Self-referential behavior makes you look like Snow White's wicked stepmother, gazing at herself in the mirror and looking for reassurance that she's the "fairest of them all.
Twitter users follow people who say and do interesting things. Compulsive retweeting may provide grounds for some of your followers to unfollow you because it makes you look as if you have nothing original to say. Retweeting yourself compounds the infraction. If you find a typographic error in one of your tweets, post a corrected message and delete the original. For every person who is active enough to see that you posted the same thing six times this week, there are a hundred people who only log on enough to have caught one of them.
Of course those numbers are completely made up, but the point stands. A related piece of advice comes from the non-profit sector , where they recommend retweeting yourself for added exposure without the need to come up with a new tweet every time. Retweets can only be done once per account at a time.
What do I mean? You can post a piece of content, and you can retweet that piece of content. If you want to retweet it again, however, you have to undo the original retweet. At most, you can only have two copies of that piece of content — the same specific tweet, that is — on your feed at any given time.
If I post on Monday, retweet on Wednesday, and decide to retweet again on Friday, the Wednesday time stamped retweet disappears. See, any engagement that comes form the retweet actually goes to the original tweet. People who retweet a retweet are actually just retweeting the original tweet.
A simple retweet is also a lot cleaner than some of the other options. A lot of brands use shorthand for their copies of content. That alone can get annoying to the people who did not, in fact, miss it, and if you ICYMI every tweet you make every few days, it becomes a meaningless flag in front of everything you post. Basically, the higher engagement you get from repeats of your retweets makes your content look more valuable to Twitter, which in turn makes it more likely to be part of the selection of stuff they showcase to people coming back after a few hours or days.
You also have to recognize that there are some non-marketing benefits to retweeting your own content. That said, there are often times where particularly amusing tweets can be retweeted just to get that additional exposure. You can also use self-retweets for polite self-owns, if you know what I mean.
What do you do? You can almost guarantee that one of your followers remembers and will dig up that tweet. You could go and delete it, but why not just own it? Retweet yourself and stage making a hat out of beef jerky and eating it or something equally inane, goofy, and engaging.
I am also going to select older tweets and retweet them. I started off with a quoted retweet from our monthly WordPress news article. My quoted retweet for the monthly news got a slight impression boost. It got in front of more people but performed much worse than the original in terms of actual engagement. This is the result of the retweet with a quote. I removed the Yoast mention but retained the hashtag.
There was a slight boost to the impressions but the dip in engagements counteracts it. This is not just a problem from retweeting but the removal of the mention. Yoast engaged with the original tweet, so it gave a little bump. The results here are fascinating. This second post had no engagement, you can see the narcissist-tweet from me in the box. No one liked it, no one retweeted it, yet it got more impressions than the news retweet above.
You can see in the details that nothing interesting happened with only 2 genuine engagements. Check out how well it performed, impressions wise, compared to a regular tweet. The retweet was never popular, and the engagement rate is almost unmeasurable but somehow it has almost eclipsed a tweet with a good engagement rate. As you can see there was nothing doing with the original tweet. It seemed a worthy tweet for the experiment. The retweet led to twice the amount of impressions with 3 times the engagement taking the retweet out of the number.
The numbers are still low, but there was a significant uptick. I saw this really pay dividends with a popular post. A retweeted Hansel and Gretel post doubled in impressions and engagements.