With a pair of binoculars, star colors become even-more obvious. Many have likened these colorful stars as celestial gems. Albireo, also known as Beta Cygni, is a double star system in the constellation Cygnus the Swan.
With the naked eye, Albireo looks like a single star. Through a small telescope or even binoculars, one can see two stars that astronomers call Albireo A and Albireo B. Polaris, the Pole Star in the constellation Ursa Minor the little bear , is usually easy to find, unless you have too many streetlights around you or your horizon blocks your view to the north.
It is a yellow star, and slightly hotter at its photosphere than our Sun. Privacy Policy. Skip to main content.
Lab 10 — Star Colors and Spectroscopy. All told, Eta Carinae is blasting out 1,, times the energy of our Sun. Blue stars burn through their fuel at a tremendous rate.
Our Sun, in comparison, has been around for 4. So, remember, blue stars are blue because of the temperature of their surface. We have written many articles about stars on Universe Today.
Want more information on stars? We have recorded several episodes of Astronomy Cast about stars. When a star has used up its hydrogen, it leaves the main-sequence and becomes a different type of star.
A star with a mass less than 0. Stars between 0. This is the expected fate of our own sun. Stars this big can continue burning heavier and heavier elements, up to carbon and iron, but even they can go no further. Eventually, they explode into a massive supernova. The Crab Nebula, a supernova remnant source. Each of these groups is a Morgan-Keenan classification of stars, and there are others, such as subdwarfs and hypergiants, which you can see in the diagram below. That feels like enough theory.
The table below shows the best colored stars to see each season from the northern hemisphere. To see which are visible tonight, use your planisphere , star atlas , or favorite astronomy software.
Some of these stars, like Betelgeuse and Arcturus , are bright enough to notice their colors with the naked eye from moderately light polluted areas. Others, such as Sirius B and Albireo B , are too faint to see with either naked eye or binoculars. Albireo A and B are a good example of striking star color, as you can see in the picture below. Mounting those binoculars would reduce the shakiness and allow you to resolve the double.
Stars exist in a range of colors: red, orange, yellow, green, white and blue with red being the coolest and blue being the hottest.
Its luminosity indicates its size, the brighter it is, the larger it is. There are many colored stars in the sky and, with a little planning, you can see a rainbow of star colors from your own backyard.